BOOM!: A History of People on Earth in 30 Seconds



The World came to Asheville today as over 100 people
shuffled onto the World Map at UNCA to populate the
earth and experience humanity’s population boom.
Each person, representing nearly 1% of the Earth’s
population, took their place on the map in historical
order, populating Africa and Asia first and then the
rest of the planet over hundreds of thousands of years.
The final wave of people, two thirds of all human
beings ever born, showed up in the last seconds of the
exercise, knee deep in sea water, as the twenty-first
century opened....
The World Map, a creation of the legendary 
Buckminster Fuller, was brought to Asheville as part 
of the Design Science Lab conference at UNCA and 
was shown during an evening event which was free 
and opento the press and public ( 
A group of citizen - educators in Asheville have 
purchased the map from JIm Hausman 
( it’s Paris owner, and plan to 
develop educational programs for schools in the 
coming year.

This work is licensed under a  

OpenMedia Developer’s Journal 
“The Biggest Map in the World”
Countdown to Now:
A History of People on Earth
in 30 Seconds 
 Buckminster Fuller’s World Map 
in Asheville, NC, July 23, 2006


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